Class of 1967 70th birthday party

Garden House at Matter Park 1 Matter Park Circle, Marion, IN, United States

Marion High School Class of 1967 will be celebrating their 70th birthdays from 5 to 10 p.m. at the Garden House in Matter Park. Cost is $10 per person and will include pizza, salad, and birthday cake. DJ Buddy Patterson will play music from the '60s, with trivia games, prizes, and a cash bar. Register by calling Sheryl Myers at ... Read More

Class of 1979 40th Reunion

IN, United States

Marion High School's Class of 1979 will have their 40-year reunion June 14 and 15, 2019. On June 14, festivities will be held at 7 p.m. at the Marion Elks Club, 1100 E. Bond Ave. On June 15, festivities will be held at 7 p.m. at The Mill, 1001 N. Washington St.

Class of 1973 breakfast

IHOP, 3038 S. Western Ave., Marion IN, United States

Marion High School class of 1973 will be having breakfast Saturday, June 15 at 9 a.m. at the Marion, IHOP. All '73 classmates can join us. Hope to see everyone!

Class of 1989 30th Reunion

Rebels Pub 515 N. Washington St., Marion, Indiana

Marion High School Class of 1989 will have its 30 year reunion on July 27 starting at 7 p.m. at Rebels Pub, 515 N. Washington St., Marion. For more information, call Tracey (Dirig) Deutsch at 317-361-9253 or email

Class of 1952 Reunion

Sirloin Stockade 3148 S. Western Ave., Marion, IN, United States

The Marion High School Class of 1952 will meet at noon Aug. 13 at Sirloin Stockade, 3148 S. Western Ave. For additional information, call Nancy Edwards at 765-664-3139, Sonya Fetter at 765-669-1101, or Phyllis Springer at 765-662-7110

Class of 1969 50th reunion

IN, United States

Marion High School Class of 1969 will have their 50-year reunion Aug. 16-17, 2019. Friday, Aug. 16 Luncheon at noon at the Hostess House, 723 W. Fourth St., Marion; $12 per person Gathering at 6 p.m. at the Plymouth Club, 2018 W. Second St.; no admission price, but food/drink available for purchase: brick oven pizza, sandwiches, snacks, bar - menu ... Read More

Class of 1964 55th Reunion

IN, United States

The Marion High School Class of 1964 has scheduled its 55th reunion for Aug. 16 and 17, 2019. All members of the graduating class are invited to attend, and all teachers who taught students from the Class of 1964 are invited to join us. Any classmate who has not yet received reunion details or who has questions may contact Gary ... Read More

Class of 1985 – reunion planning meeting

The Mill 1001 N. Washington St., Marion, IN, United States

Hello class of '85! A planning meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Aug. 17, 2019, at The Mill to discuss our 35-year reunion. All are welcome to attend and help make the reunion a success! 

Class of 2009 10th reunion

The Mill 1001 N. Washington St., Marion, IN, United States

Marion High School Class of 2009's 10-year reunion will be held at The Mill on August 17, 2019, at 7 p.m. $10 at the door covers group appetizers. All other food and drinks will need to be purchased individually. Please bring all ideas for the next reunion with you as this one is happening and set in stone. During the ... Read More

Class of 1999’s 20th reunion

IN, United States

MHS Class of '99: Our 20th reunion will be the weekend of August 23/24.  Tentative plans are: Friday, Aug. 23: Tour of MHS, tailgating, and the home football opener vs. Eastbrook Saturday, Aug. 24 - Dinner and drinks, 6 p.m. at the Mill, 1001 N. Washington St., Marion; cost is $30 >> Send contact info about yourself or any classmate to: ... Read More