
Homecoming Week: MHS PTO Nelson’s Chicken fundraiser

Advanced purchase encouraged; limited number of meals may be available day-of. TWO pickup locations: 4 to 6:30 p.m. at Tree of Life parking lot 6 to 7 p.m. at MHS near the stadium. Click here for more information, including prices and how to order in advance.


Homecoming Carnival

Marion High School 750 West 26th Street, Marion, IN, United States

The MHS Show Choir parents organization presents a carnival from 5 to 7 p.m. on the MHS lawn (on the north side of the school near the stadium), in conjunction with Homecoming festivities. Carnival tickets are 25 cents each for games, dunk tank, cotton candy, and prizes. Come out and have some fun before the football game!


Homecoming Week: MHS fall kickoff play “Selfie”

F. Ritchie Walton Performing Arts Center at MHS 750 W. 26th St., Marion, IN, United States

One act, one night, one dollar. You don’t want to miss this! The MHS Speech and Drama Association presents the play “Selfie” at 7:30 p.m. at the Walton Performing Arts Center at MHS. Click here for more information.

MHSAA Homecoming Tailgate

Dick Lootens Stadium at MHS 750 W. 26th St., Marion, IN, United States

Join the Marion High School Alumni Association for an Alumni Tailgating Party at the MHS Homecoming Game on Sept 10, 2021! You can enjoy amazing food trucks, music, reserved parking (first-come, first-served), and connect with classmates. The game starts at 7 p.m. at MHS's Dick Lootens Stadium. After the game we are gathering at Folkie’s Tavern, and Saturday morning we ... Read More