What does my gift fund?
Your annual membership and financial gifts benefit our Marion Community Schools Giants of today and tomorrow in a variety of ways. If you have a specific passion where you would like your money to go, we can honor that as well.
MHSAA’s impacts have included:
- Large classroom needs in art classrooms, science labs, libraries, and more
- Athletics uniforms, equipment, and facilities upgrades
- Displays honoring alumni, including the Marion High School Arts Hall of Fame, Athletics Hall of Fame, the Hall of Distinction, and team history displays throughout the Bill Green Arena and Dick Lootens Stadium
- Lots more!
>> Click here to view pictures of just some of the things MHSAA has helped make possible!
Membership levels:
- $25 Membership challenge
- $100 Purple Membership
- $150 Gold Membership
- $500 Giant Membership
- $1,000 Giant Legacy Membership
>> Click here to see more information about levels and rewards
How to give:
By mail, send your check to:
Marion High School Alumni Association
448 P.O. Box
Marion, IN 46952
Online giving options (click the link):
- Our main fundraising page (where you can direct your gift to any of our funds)
- MHSAA Giant Dreams Endowments at the Community Foundation of Grant County:
- Other funds:
- Bobbie Owensby MHSAA Black History Club Endowment
- Jack and Dave Colescott MHSAA Scholarship Fund
- Kerry Clevenger Giants Athletic Boosters Endowment
- Keller Family Science Endowment
- Jason Taylor Family Giant Spark Fund
- Nellie and Rosie Business, Marketing, and Music Scholarship
- Robert Hull MHSAA Business Scholarship
- MHS JROTC endowment (general support / invested for future use)
- MHS JROTC pass-through fund (specific purpose / immediate use)
- Grant Regional Career Center Aviation Academy pass-through fund
- Athletics funds:
Want to talk about earmarking your gift for specific use you don’t see above? Contact Mark Fauser, Marion Community Schools Creative Development Consultant, at mfauser@marion.k12.in.us or 765-661-4621 today to talk about how your gift can make a Giant difference.
Donate via Paypal:
- Click here (and please note what you want your donation to go toward!)
Your membership profile
>> Click here to complete a form to provide us information for your membership/donor profile