Marion Alumni News

32nd Annual Marion High School Florida Reunion

Duff's Original Buffet 6010 14th St W, Bradenton, FL, United States

Click here to view the full-size flier / registration form, which also includes the tentative agenda.

33rd annual Marion High School Florida Reunion

Duff's Original Buffet 6010 14th St W, Bradenton, FL, United States

Click here to view the full flier that includes registration information and directions.

34th annual Marion High School Florida Reunion

Duff's Original Buffet 6010 14th St W, Bradenton, FL, United States

The 34th annual Marion High School multi-class Florida reunion will be at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, March 1, 2018, at Duff's Original Buffet, located at the corner of US 41 and 60th Street in Bradenton, Fla. Reservations may be made by e-mail to  or calling 941-624-5148