Decade vs. Decade.
Class vs. Class.
Giant vs. Giant!
Who will be the ULTIMATE GIANT?
We’re inviting all Marion High School alumni and friends to get involved! The Ultimate Giant competition is part fundraiser, part spirit game, part history lesson … and all FUN. And it’s all in the name of a GIANT cause: to support Giants of today and tomorrow and provide the best opportunities in academics, arts and athletics.
Here’s the thing: Everyone who participates wins, because our school and our community wins! Donations that come in as part of this competition go into the Giant Dreams Endowment, which will help provide support for Marion students for generations to come. So imagine this: If 10,000 alumni (yes, there are easily that many Marion Giants out there!) give $25 dollars each, there would be another quarter of a million dollars in the endowment. Most of us could come up with $25 to give. Many of us could give more!
But only one Marion High School graduate will be named the Ultimate Giant. Only one graduating class will earn the title of Ultimate Giant Class. And only one decade will be declared the Ultimate Giant Decade. That’s where the competition comes in. Read on to find out how to play!
The goal of this competition, beyond raising money for the Giant Dreams Endowment, is to inspire GIANT pride, to reconnect with our heritage, to engage and involve alumni and supporters to connect with each other. To have the PAST help the PRESENT build the FUTURE. That’s what we’re all about here at the Marion High School Alumni Association!
>> UPDATE: Week one was amazing … but there’s a long way to go!
The basics of the game:
WHEN: The Ultimate Giant competition begins Nov. 1, 2015, and ends at 3 p.m. July 23, 2016. (This period crosses into two calendar years — and tax seasons! Plenty of opportunity!)
>NOTE: The end of this competition coincides with the second annual Giant Challenge! Click here to learn more about that exciting weekeend!
POINTS: There are a maximum of 1,200 points to earn through participation in 12 separate competitions. In each competition, 1st place gets 100 points, 2nd place gets 90, 3rd gets 80, 4th gets 70, 5th gets 60, and everyone else who participates in gets 50 points. (If you don’t participate in a specific competition, you get zero points for it.) Your goal (or the goal of you and your classmates, or you and others who graduated in your decade) is to get as many of those points as possible!
HOW TO WIN: The person with the most points will be named the Ultimate Giant. The graduating class with the most points will earn the title of the Ultimate Giant Class. The decade (1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and so on) with the most points will be declared the Ultimate Giant Decade.
The 12 competitions (contains links where applicable – just click for more info / action steps):
- Most likes on your decade’s graphic at the official MHSAA Facebook page. Starting on Nov. 1, there will be a photo album with all of the images. Just hit “Like” on the photo in that album to vote for your decade! (Only likes in that album will count toward this competition.) The decade that has the most likes in this album as of July 23, 2016, will get 100 points, as will all participating classes within that decade; the decade/classes with the second-most likes will generate 90 points; and so on.
- Class with the most participants. Anyone who donates at least $25 counts as a participant for this specific competition. (NOTE: Details on how to donate can be found below. Keep reading!) You can donate in the name of your class, or someone else’s! (So start networking. Showcase your Giant pride, and convince your friends to give to this great cause too, and donate for your class!) The class with the highest number of participants wins 100 points; second-highest number, 90 points; and so on. The corresponding decade also gets these points.
- Decade with the most participants. Each class is battling for the most participants, but the classes with each decade (1950s, 1960s, and so on) must also team up to win the points in this specific competition! The decade that brings in the most participants (as defined by those who donate at least $25) earns 100 points for itself, as well as each participating class within that decade. The decade with the second-most participants, 90 points; third-most, 80; and so on.
- Class with the most money raised. The class that raises the most money (including funds donated by members of the class, as well as funds donated in their name) will get 100 points. The class with the second-most money raised will generate 90 points; third-most, 80 points; and so on. The corresponding decade will also get those points.
- Decade with the most money raised. The decade that raises the most money will get 100 points. The decade with the second-most money raised will generate 90 points; third-most, 80 points; and so on. All participating classes in the decade also get those points.
- Individual with most money raised. The individual who raises the most money will be crowned the Ultimate Giant. This counts funds donated by that individual, as well as funds donated by others in that individual’s name. In addition, that individual’s class and decade will get 100 points. The individual with the second-most money raised will generate 90 points for his or her class and decade; third-most, 80 points; and so on.
- Most accomplished class. We want to hear from YOU why your class is the best! Give us a historical perspective, and showcase the great things that have been accomplished. We want to remind our community of the greatness that begins here. We want to inspire the Giants of today to dream big! We want to know what your class accomplished here at MHS, and we want to know what you and your classmates have gone on to accomplish here and elsewhere. This account can take the form of video, images, essay, book, or anything else you can dream up. Presentation counts! Impress us! We will feature them here on the website and will consider other ways to feature them as well. Former MHS history teacher and Grant County Historian Bill Munn will be judging these projects, and points will be awarded, 100 to 1st place, 90 to 2nd, and so on. NOTE: Deadline to submit is July 10, 2016.
- Most money raised for academics support. The class that raises the most money specifically designated for the Giant Academics Fund in the Giant Dreams Endowment earns 100 points; second-most, 90 points; and so on. The corresponding decade also gets these points.
- Most money raised for arts support. The class that raises the most money specifically designated for the Giant Arts Fund in the Giant Dreams Endowment earns 100 points; second-most, 90 points; and so on. The corresponding decade also gets these points.
- Most money raised for athletics support. The class that raises the most money specifically designated for the Giant Athletics Fund in the Giant Dreams Endowment earns 100 points; second-most, 90 points; and so on. The corresponding decade also gets these points.
- Most resourceful class. The class who can help procure or resource the most items on the Giant Wish List (by drumming up donations to buy specific items, or by donating the actual items) earns 100 points; second-most, 90; and so on. The corresponding decade also gets these points. This is separate from donating to the endowment. The items on the Giant Wish List are specific items that have been requested by Marion Community Schools, staff, coaches, etc.
- Most members of the Marion High School Alumni Association. A lifetime membership in the MHSAA costs you only $25. This organization is a 501(c)3 with a volunteer board. Membership fees help cover website costs, postage and printing costs, etc. Click here for more information. The class with the most members of the MHSAA as of July 23, 2016, gets 100 points; second-most, 90 points; and so on. The corresponding decade also gets these points.
Marion Community Schools has been around since the 1860s, and over the years has educated tens of thousands of Giants. Many of them have gone on to be world-changers! But each year, tens of thousands of dollars is needed to sustain the athletics and arts programs and enhance the academic offerings at MCS. We believe that NOW is the time to act to ensure the continued success of Giants present and future.
The Marion High School Alumni Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with no employees and a volunteer board. We work closely with Marion Community Schools to link donors with needs. Contributions are tax deductible, when allowed by applicable law.
Working together, we have already raised $106,000 for the Giant Dreams Endowment since April 22, 2015. Now we are asking YOU too help us make a real difference in the lives of Marion Community Schools students and staff.
The Community Foundation of Grant County has generously given us a $10,000 grant to be used as matching money beginning at 12:01 a.m. Nov. 1, 2015! The first $10,000 in donations during the Ultimate Giant competition will be matched dollar for dollar (so your money will be doubled)! But once the $10,000 is gone, it’s gone. So be ready to play early! And don’t forget that donations play into many of the points games. If a Giant were to donate the first $10,000 of the game, he or she would have $20,000 toward their name, plus their year, and their decade!
In addition to the satisfaction and pride of knowing that you have made an amazing impact on the Giants of today and tomorrow, you’ll also be publicly recognized for your accomplishments. The Ultimate Giant, Ultimate Giant Class, and Ultimate Giant Decade will be recognized in signage in and around Marion High School. Students and community members for decades to come will see these displays.
The Community Foundation of Grant County will keep track of the donations, and will give periodic updates. After the game starts on Nov. 1, the pages linked below will have information on how to donate (and instructions on how to note which year and/or decade you’re donating for), and will also display updates:
This competition will show which Marion Giant class is the most intelligent, creative, resourceful, imaginative, which of you are the best communicators, the best marketers, the best salespeople, the most successful to fight for your year and be honored as the Ultimate Giant Class, Ultimate Giant Decade, and Ultimate Giant.
Read this all again to make sure you understand it … there are lots of ways to win!
Giants Fight, Never Die. Let’s show the world what Giant Pride really means!